American Christianity Black Liberation White Legalism attempts to understand and explain the churches’ passive and, in some cases, silent national attitude and behavior towards matters of privilege, discrimination, greed, and racism in and throughout the western world’s history. For too long, this sin of silence has caused many good people of faith to ponder this same question while searching the Holy Scriptures for answers on salvation and deliverance. This book will attempt to seek truth in all its rawness and discomfort as the author addresses race relations in the west from the colonization of the Caribbean to the inception of America. “My goal has been to find and identify a specific character in our spiritual genome that can make some sense for the centuries of atrocities, pain, and suffering we have burdened each other with, in the name of progress, profit, and politics.
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Pastor Williams brings his experience, education and spiritual Journey to bear as proof that by making a deep spiritual Commitment, struggling each and every day to live a good and righteous life, one can achieve success without compromising one's ethics or values.
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American Christianity: Black Liberation White Legalism
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